20 July - 30 October 2022

Think Global: Act Bristol

Can you imagine a greener, fairer future?

Bristol has declared climate and nature emergencies. 87% of Bristolians are concerned about these crises.* Our city is known as a green leader, and there is much to be hopeful about. But this story is complex. Bristol is also a polluted city, a city of great wealth and environmental inequality, with a challenging global past.

Think Global Act Bristol explores big themes affecting people locally and globally, through Bristol histories and the voices of Bristolians today. It hopes to support connection and inclusive action around this often divisive or overwhelming story.

This is not a complete history, but part of a journey. We hope you will share your voice and take action too.

*according to Bristol’s most recent Quality of Life survey 2020/21
Sir Walter Raleigh (1554?-1618), statesman, writer, mariner, coloniser

“For whosoever commands the sea commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself”

